Rumi's Fables by Negar Niazi O.D.
Rumi's Fables by Negar Niazi O.D. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Rumi’s Fables is a collection of Rumi’s forty-three most magical and charming short stories that will entertain and educate the whole family. Rumi is the great poet and philosopher of the thirteenth century. The United Nations called 2007 “the year of Rumi” to honor the 800th anniversary of his birth. In this collection of short stories the author has hand-picked the most fascinating fables to entertain and challenge younger readers. Rumi’s Fables comes alive with colorful characters—the sage king, the clever clown, and the bewitched prince—and many talking animals—the wise lion, the cunning fox, and the arrogant mouse. Each story has a colorful and expressive illustration which is an original hand-painted acrylic on canvas. Every tale can be read as a simple bedtime story or as a thought-provoking subject for a group discussion at an educational setting. At the end of each story there is a “contemplation box” to make the experience more interactive. There is also a summary of the moral of each story. These stories are reminiscent of the style of Aesop’s fables. Readers, young or old, will find themselves in a land of mystery and myth that can transcend an ordinary or even a difficult life. These fables with their deep and soulful content will communicate a personalized message to the reader. These ancient fables are a treasure and a great resource for introducing children to timeless wisdom and values. It can also be used as a reference for adults interested in an historical comparative analysis between Aesop’s Fables and Rumi’s fables in Masnavi. (Ages 7 to adult)From reader reviews:
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