Wednesday, 20 August 2014

PDF⋙ Cheap Grampa in Action: Stories of a grampa and his grand kids making sense out of life by Dr. Sidney B. Simon

Cheap Grampa in Action: Stories of a grampa and his grand kids making sense out of life by Dr. Sidney B. Simon

Cheap Grampa in Action: Stories of a grampa and his grand kids making sense out of life

Cheap Grampa in Action: Stories of a grampa and his grand kids making sense out of life by Dr. Sidney B. Simon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Cheap Grampa is a loveable, adorable, completely unique character who his grand kids just admire to pieces for his flamboyance, his brilliant ideas, and the sheer fun he is. "You can't help loving the old curmudgeon." Dr. Sidney B. Simon is Professor Emritus, University of Massachusetts, and is internationally known for his work in VALUES CLARIFICATION. Those books sold amost 700,000 copies. Since retirment, Simon lives the Winter months on Sanibel Island. There he is the Host of the famous Sanibel Island First Friday Stories for Grownups. One of the must "get-to" event each month for Islanders and tourists alike. Some of these Cheap Grampa stories were hits at Stories for Grownups. Audiences eat them up. One they love is the Profile Cheap Grampa worked out with the help of one of his Grand daughters for one of the Match.Com programs. The Grand daughter argues that he can't say in the first sentence, "Woman must not want to be taken to restaurants." Grampa, that will eliminate 90 % of the candidates. He says back to her, "That's just the ones I want to eliminate." Simon says he'll be eager to hear which of the stories is your favorite in this delightful collection. You can reach him at: Trust me. You've never had a Grampa like Cheap Gramps, and I bet you'll wish you did have one who could learn a thing from old Cheapo. Dr. Simon has appeard on the Oprah Show and was a guest along with his son, John Simon, on a Phil Donahue show about Fathers and Sons.

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