Tuesday, 20 January 2015

PDF⋙ The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah by Yasin T. al-Jibouri, Yasin Publications

The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah by Yasin T. al-Jibouri, Yasin Publications

The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah

The Ninety-Nine Attributes of Allah by Yasin T. al-Jibouri, Yasin Publications PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Islam belongs to the monotheistic religions, a “member” in the three major faiths of the world trailing Christianity and Judaism where the concept of God stands at the core of the faith. Godhead is the most important article of faith in these religions which, from our viewpoint, are actually one and the same: The Almighty revealed His truth to the Israelites, so it was called Judaism, then He revealed it to Christ and his followers, so it was called Christianity. But when He revealed it to Muhammed, some people called it “Muhammedanism” whereas those who followed Muhammed call themselves and would like others to call them “Muslims,” people who surrender to the will of the Almighty. The Jews surrendered to His will when they followed Moses in their exodus, and the Disciples followed Jesus and recorded his words, thus surrendering to the will of God. The truth which God revealed to the Jews then to the Christians then to Muslims is one and the same; people, not He, gave it labels. An in-depth study of these three religions will reveal the similarities between them simply because they all came from one and the same God Who does not have but one tongue, one word, one truth, one Heaven, one Hell, one straight path to Him, one human family… This is the absolute truth, yet not many people believe in it; on the contrary, many people reject it outright and claim that they, and only they, know the truth and abide by it, thus excommunicating all others. These days the followers of all these three Abrahamic faiths are increasingly coming under attack by a new breed of fanatics who were told to be extremist, trained to hate and to seek “Paradise” by killing others. These are the extremists whose hostility and hatred is fueled by a particular form of “religious” teachings which has strayed from the straight path of Islam, yet they claim to be Muslims and that they, and only they, are the true Muslims and everyone else is not. Their extremism is being funded by oil money, and money talks. A number of terrorist organizations are now out to kill the followers of these three creeds, and if these followers do not undertake measures to protect themselves, they will fall prey to these terrorists. Such preparation is not done by only setting up armies and flying predators; it is better done by exposing the falsehood of the teachings promoted by these terrorists, by educating the public, and by standing in the face of certain governments that provide these terrorists with money and support. This book is a humble effort to explain to the readers the truth about Islam, the religion of peace and harmony, of brotherhood not only with followers of the Abrahamic creeds but also of all other religions of the world.

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