Treating Military Sexual Trauma
Treating Military Sexual Trauma PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"The book is easy to read and contains helpful clinical vignettes... This book will be extremely helpful for therapists who work with veterans."
--Gary B Kaniuk, PsyD, Cermak Health Services, Doody's Reviews
"Sexual assault within the military represents an ongoing epidemic that only recently has received the long-overdue attention it so desperately deserves. The health and well-being of the victims of sexual assault has just recently been acknowledged as equally important to that of the crime [itself] . . . . This book is so important in part because it continues this emphasis on caring for the victim. "
-- Carl A. Castro, Ph.D., Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.), University of Southern California
An evidence-based text for understanding and treating MST from multiple perspectives
The incidence of sexual assault and harassment experienced by members of the U.S. Armed forces has reached epidemic proportions. Its victims often suffer from devastating, life-long consequences to their careers, health, relationships, and psychological wellbeing. This authoritative resource is written for mental health clinicians about understanding and treating military sexual trauma (MST). Based on a solid foundation of research and clinical expertise, it addresses the complex circumstances of victims of sexual abuse in the military and how clinicians can meet the unique challenges of treating these clients.
The book describes how MST differs from other forms of military trauma such as combat and discusses its prevalence, neurobiology, and social contexts as well as unique stressors of betrayal, injustice, struggles with issues of reporting and disclosure, and impact on relationships and sexuality. It reviews current evidence-based interventions and offers insights on treating specific symptoms within MST, such as PTSD, anxiety, substance abuse, sleep disorders, and sexual dysfunction. Chapters discuss how a variety of psychotherapies can be used to treat MST, including Prolonged Exposure, Cognitive Processing, EMDR, Seeking Safety, ACT, and Somatic Experiencing, as well as the Warrior Renew MST group therapy program. Clinicians, who work with veterans and active duty personnel, will find this book an essential guide to working with MST survivors.
Key Features:
- Presents a comprehensive clinician's resource with contributions from top experts in the field on the topic of MST
- Describes how MST differs from other forms of trauma necessitating specialized treatment
- Provides an overview of MST as well as information on evidence-based and emerging treatments
About the Editor:
Lori S. Katz, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs since 1991 and holds an academic appointment at the University of Southern California, Center for Innovative Research for Veterans and their Families. She was the founder/director of a Women's Mental Health Center and developer of the Warrior Renew MST treatment program. Dr. Katz is a national expert on MST as a researcher, clinician, and public speaker and her efforts have been the topic of several media news reports.
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