Sunday, 8 March 2015

PDF⋙ Dietary Fiber and Health

Dietary Fiber and Health

Dietary Fiber and Health

Dietary Fiber and Health PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Adequate fiber in the diet is essential for maintaining gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health and for weight management and glycemic control. But a majority of people in developed countries fall short of their recommended daily intake. Designed for product developers, nutritionists, dietitians, and regulatory agencies, Dietary Fiber and Health discusses critical findings from the Ninth Vahouny Fiber Symposium about the significance of dietary fiber and ways to get more fiber in our diet.

Steeped in research and the latest data from international experts, the book explores a range of topics related to this essential nutrient, including:

  • The relationship between fiber and weight management, gastrointestinal health, heart disease, cancer, and glucose metabolism
  • Prebiotic effects of fiber and the characteristics and modulation of healthy flora
  • The health benefits of novel fibers such as inulin
  • The characteristics of maltodextrin, Fibersol-2, and low viscous fiber on satiety, glycemia, microbiota, and other properties
  • The impact of the new definition of dietary fiber published by the Codex Alimentarius Commission
  • The properties and immunological impact of Galactooligosaccharide and research on its effect on colitis
  • Resistant starch and associated compounds
  • Oat, rye, barley, and other fibers
  • Regulatory issues, including GRAS notice procedure

It is imperative that food product developers formulate foods with fiber and that health professionals recommend foods high in fiber to improve public health. The contributors to this volume provide a survey of not only the impact of fiber on human health, but also the myriad opportunities for fiber ingredients to be incorporated into foods for the benefit of consumers.

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