Sunday, 5 April 2015

PDF⋙ Options: Trading Strategy and Risk Management by Simon Vine

Options: Trading Strategy and Risk Management by Simon Vine

Options: Trading Strategy and Risk Management

Options: Trading Strategy and Risk Management by Simon Vine PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The key concepts and essential strategies behind the successful use of options
Written by Simon Vine, a seasoned trader who has over ten years of experience on Wall Street under his belt, Options is the definitive book on options for traders, investors, and risk professionals. Options provides a step-by-step approach to trading, hedging, and investing using options, and shares the key concepts essential to successful options use. Options also explores how to use a wide variety of options strategies and shows readers how to select the strategy that best fits their own psychological risk profile. Filled with real-world examples and proven strategies, this invaluable resource will be of interest to all professionals-and newcomers-who'd like to exploit options for strategic advantage, risk management, or profit.
Simon Vine (Moscow, Russia) is deputy head of the investment banking division at Alfa Bank, the largest private financial institution in Russia. He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA from the Institute for Finance and Economics in Moscow.

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Options: Trading Strategy and Risk Management by Simon Vine EPub

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